Who We Are


Christ’s Assembly Church is more than just a gathering place; it is a refuge, a support system, and a family of compassionate, empathetic individuals. Within our community, we strive to educate individuals about the teachings of God systematically and straightforwardly. We encourage our members to develop a deep connection with God, continuously seek His guidance, and be filled with the Holy Spirit.

Through our faith and the incredible grace of God, we have witnessed remarkable transformations: sinners finding redemption, the ill experiencing healing, the weak gaining strength, the ignorant acquiring wisdom, servants developing into leaders, defeats turning into victories, and the seemingly impossible becoming achievable through prayer. This community is truly a place where hearts are touched and forever changed.

The people of Christ’s Assembly Church have been called, set apart, anointed, and strategically placed on this earth to make a positive impact and influence the lives of others. Our mission is to establish a Christ-like Church composed of worshippers, warriors, and witnesses. We achieve this through the ministry of preaching and teaching God’s Word, as well as through the power of prayer.

How we started

Christ’s announcement in Matthew 16:18, declaring His plan to build a church, is the foundation upon which we embraced the call to church planting. Additionally, His message in Matthew 28 after His resurrection and before His ascension serves as a mandate for global evangelization. It is this imperative of the great commission that drives our church’s vision for planting.

In May of 2008, Pastor George Ware received a vision to establish Christ’s Assembly in the state of New Hampshire during a visit to Concord. After two months of profound contemplation, fasting, and prayer, Pastor George Ware and his wife, Pastor Sophie Ware, were fully convinced and accepted the call to plant CA. Upon accepting the call, they were immediately filled with overwhelming compassion and passion to share the life-transforming message of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, and the sole Savior of humanity with the inhabitants of the beautiful state of New Hampshire.

On November 3, 2009, Pastor George Ware and First Lady Sophie Ware relocated to the city of Manchester, New Hampshire. Then, on Sunday, November 7, 2010, Christ’s Assembly was officially launched and established.


Vision AND Mission Statement

Vision Statement

Deliverance, Development, Devotion, and Deployment.

Mission Statement

Building an army of witnesses, worshipers, and warriors


– Preach God’s Word so that sinners will hear, believe, and be delivered from the power of darkness and be translated into the Kingdom of Christ (Col.1:13).

– To help people who are possessed and controlled by sin, addictions, and those who are suffering depression, abuse, and other psychological problems be set free.



– Those who are delivered and placed in the Body of Christ will undergo effective, progressive teaching and training.

    – Empower and equip God’s people spiritually and morally to trust God, be productive, and be law-abiding Christians and citizens.


    – Encouraging believers to lay aside every weight, and the sin which easily beset and run with patience the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus the Author and Finisher of our faith (Heb. 12:1-2).

    – The saints must commit themselves to God and His Word.


– Those who have been exonerated, empowered, and equipped will be deployed to make disciples of all nations and reflect the glory of God through their lifestyles in their homes, churches, communities, workplaces, schools, and the world.”


Core Values

Our values define who we really are: what we say, do, and stand for. We are inspired by our values to convert our vision into tangible reality.

  • Compassion: We love and care about all people.
  • Confidence: We will boldly and courageously serve the Lord.
  • Commitment: We are dedicated to serving God and practicing His Word faithfully.
  • Competency: We have the qualifications to do all things through Christ who strengthens us.
  • Character: We are accountable, transparent, faithful, and truthful in all things that we say and do.
  • Charity: We shall practice every kind of giving outlined in the Scriptures.
  • Community: A welcoming space where everyone is valued, loved, and celebrated in praise and worship.





Membership Expectation

As members of Christ’s Assembly, we come together in both small and large gatherings to fellowship with God and one another. Embracing our unique diversity, we maintain unity as a community ordained by God. To achieve this, we have established guidelines based on biblical truth that all members, new and old, are expected to follow:

Guidelines for Members:

  • Love the Lord with all your heart, soul, and mind (Matthew 14:23).
  • Prioritize reading, studying, and obeying the Bible.
  • Love your neighbor as yourself (Matthew 19:19; John 13:34-35; Romans 12:9-17; 1 Corinthians 13:1-13).
  • Actively engage in church activities.
  • Make tithing and offering a regular practice.
  • Pray daily for the church and its members.
  • Attend weekly Bible study and prayer meetings.
  • Avoid discussing church problems outside the community.
  • Be welcoming and friendly to visitors.
  • Foster personal relationships with fellow church members.
  • Encourage and edify others in their spiritual growth and Christ-like character development.
  • Utilize your talents and gifts to serve the church and the Body of Christ.
  • Handle others’ failures with grace, mercy, and love.
  • Strive to be a peacemaker rather than a troublemaker.
  • Speak truth and avoid lying.
  • Verbally and actively support the church’s vision, mission, and goals.
  • Serve as a positive role model in both words and actions.
  • Learn to forgive and let go of those who have hurt you.
  • Address problems with fellow church members through the church’s leadership.
  • By following these essential guidelines, we strengthen our unity in diversity and uphold the principles of our faith.

State of New Hampshire

Article of agreement of a New Hampshire nonprofit corporation

Article 1.

Please Amend Article 1 to read as follows

  • Christ’sAssembly

Article 2.

The object for which this corporation is established is:

  • Gather to Worship God reveals as Father, Son, andSpirit.
  • Establish and oversee places ofWorship
  • Createa peaceful and friendly environment where everyone is welcomed, accepted, and loved without discrimination or prejudice.
  • To help those possessed and controlled by Satan set free
  • Tohelp those under the influence of drugs, alcohol, and other forms of addiction be set free.
  • Topreach the Gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to all people.
  • Toencourage and empower people spiritually, mentally, morally, and intellectually.

Article 3.

The provisions for establishing membership and participation in the corporation are: Memberships in Christ’s Assembly shall be granted to anyone who:

  • Declares his/her intention to be apart.
  • Confesses Jesus Christ as Savior andLord
  • Is baptized or willing to be baptized bywater.
  • Believes and lives by the Holy Scriptures (theBible).
  • Pays Tithes and Offering to the Churchregularly.
  • Is born by a parent in theChurch
  • Agrees to attend new membershipclasses.
  • Accepts and abides by the ChurchConstitution.
  • Attends Churchregularly
  • Participates in Churchactivities
  • Promotes and advocates on Church’sbehalf

Article 4.

  • The provisions for disposition of the corporate assets in the event of dissolution of the corporation including the prioritization of rights of shareholders and members to the corporate assets are:
  • In the event of dissolution of the Church, no part of its earnings or assets shall inure to the benefit of any members; the residual assets of the corporation shall be distributed to a Christian non-profit charitable organization selected by the Board of Directors.

Article 5.

Article 6.

  • The Church is a nonprofit corporation and is organized on a non-stock basis.

Article 7.

  • Provision eliminating or limiting the personal liability of a director, an officer, or both, to the corporation or its shareholders for monetary damages for breach of fiduciary duty as a director, an officer or both is:

Christ’s Assembly Church: Projects and Goals

Guided by our Lord and perfect example, Christ, we aim to minister to the spiritual, mental, and physical needs of all people. In obedience to His command, we have outlined the following projects and goals:


Immediate Goals:

  • * Establish ESL classes
  • * Set up a Computer Lab for immigrants
  • * Network with other Churches and ministries
  • * Host conferences, workshops, and seminars annually
  • * Conduct leadership training tri-monthly
  • * Start online prayer ministry
  • * Distribute food and clothing to those in need
  • * Foster human relationships through preaching and teaching God’s Word

Immediate Needs of the Church:

  • * Drum Accessories
  • * Floor mat for Kids’ room
  • * Beautiful wallpaper

Short-term Goals:

  • * Purchase a van for transporting members
  • * Acquire own property (worship center)
  • * Contribute financially and materially to other Churches/ministries

Long-term Projects:

  • * Build and operate Grade schools and universities for the community and general public
  • * Establish the Dorcas’ Ministry for food, clothing, and medical assistance to the needy locally, nationally, and internationally
  • * Build homes for the homeless
  • * Own and operate commercial transportation system
  • * Build medical institutions and recreational centers for the community
  • * Engage in income-generating ventures to support the Church’s work
  • * Own and operate radio and television networks
  • * Send out missionaries locally and internationally

By pursuing these projects and goals, Christ’s Assembly Church aims to serve the community and spread the message of God’s love and compassion.

Things forbidden during service

  • Eatingin the sanctuary is prohibited.
  • Canvassing(distractive talk) during service is not allowed
  • Loitering(strolling/walking) during service is not allowed.
  • Littering(scattered trash) around the Church is not allowed.
  • Cell Phone conversationduring service should be avoided.
  • Textingduring service is prohibited.
  • Playing with instrumentsafter service is not allowed.

Calendar of events in 2024

January 2024: 

  1. New Year’s Service & Fellowship 
  2. Bible Study Series Kick-off 

February 2024: 

  1. Valentine’s Day Couples’ Dinner 
  2. Community Outreach: Food Drive 

March 2024: 

  1. Spring Cleaning & Church Beautification 
  2. Health and Wellness Seminar 

April 2024: 

  1. Good Friday Service 
  2. Easter Sunday Celebration 
  3. Water Baptism 

May 2024: 

  1. Mother’s Day Service 
  2. Graduation Recognition Service 
  3. Women’s Conference 

June 2024: 

  1. Father’s Day BBQ 
  2. Youth Social Night 
  3. Single Fellowship Night 

July 2024: 

  1. Summer Family Camp 
  2. Youth Retreat and Conference 

August 2024: 

  1. Back-to-School Blessing 
  2. Marriage Enrichment Workshop 

September 2024: 

  1. Fall Revival Services 
  2. Harvest Festival 
  3. Community Service Day 

October 2024: 

  1. World Missions Conference 
  2. Fall Bible Study Series 

November 2024: 

  1. Thanksgiving and Anniversary Dinner  
  2. Operation Christmas Child Collection 

Note: Any of the above events may be adjusted or rescheduled as needed to accommodate other programs or circumstances.



Monthly prophetic goals

  1. Shevat (January) – New Beginning/Starting Afresh

 Focus on renewal and embracing new opportunities.

  1. Adar (February) – Contagious Love                                                                             

  Promote spreading love, kindness, and positivity.

  1. Nisan (March) – Spiritual Fruitfulness      

  Strengthen faith and spiritual growth.

  1. Iyar (April) – Unstoppable Praise                                                                                     

  Foster continuous gratitude and worship.

  1. Sivan (May) – Spiritual Warfare & Impartation                     

  Equip for spiritual warfare and ministry.

  1. Tammuz (June) – Forgiveness & Reconciliation                                             

  Emphasize forgiveness and restoration.

  1. Av (July) – Outreach/Evangelism                                                                              

 Encourage Gospel sharing and Kingdom expansion.

  1. Elul (August) – Generosity                                                                                             

  Cultivate a spirit of giving and hospitality.

  1. Tishrei (September) – Healing & Deliverance                                                             

Minister to physical, emotional, and spiritual needs.

  1. Heshvan (October) – Repentance & Restoration